The creation of the Partnership and implementing change
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History of ZCOP
Find out more below about the main events that have shaped the beginnings of ZCOP
In January 2019, Oxford City Council declared a climate emergency, and in autumn 2019 the city became the first in the UK to hold a Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Change.
A citizens' assembly is a group of individuals brought together to discuss and decide on an issue, representing diverse demographics and viewpoints. Participants deliberate, make trade-offs, and formulate recommendations after learning about the topic. The Oxford Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Change engaged 50 randomly selected residents in exploring ways to achieve net-zero carbon emissions through expert presentations and workshops.
A detailed report on the findings of the Oxford Citizens' Assembly on Climate Change was published in November 2019. In response to the report Oxford City Council made many commitments, including:
- Hold a Zero Carbon Oxford summit in the early new year – involving the major organisations responsible for the majority of emissions in the city to see how we can work together to will be to develop a shared vision, forum, and plans to set a course towards a Zero Carbon Oxford
- Establish a Zero Carbon Oxford Partnership and influence partners to do more
On Thursday 4 February 2021, leaders of Oxford’s major businesses and organisations attended the virtual Zero Carbon Oxford Summit.
The Summit, which was coordinated by Oxford City Council, saw the group of 21 leaders from the city’s universities, institutions and large businesses sign the Zero Carbon Oxford Charter - marking their support for working to become a net zero carbon city by 2040.
The Summit was an opportunity for representatives to showcase their climate plans and action, facilitate conversation about a collective vision, and establish a formal partnership and collaborative approach to tackling the climate crisis.
The ZCOP framework for collaboration
Steering Group
The Zero Carbon Oxford Steering Group comprises a sub-set of Partners who are strategically important to achieving a net zero Oxford before 2040, with additional responsibility for delivering the overall commitments of the Zero Carbon Oxford Partnership.
Partners in ZCOP can be invited to join the Steering Group subject to the agreement of its members; membership is voluntary and can be decided on by each member annually. The Chair of the Steering Group is appointed by the members on an annual basis.
The Steering Group meets quarterly to address the following:
- Review progress on the commitments set out in the Zero Carbon Oxford Charter including progress towards agreed carbon targets.
- Monitor progress towards the aspirational five-yearly carbon emissions targets for the city as a whole to achieve net zero by 2040.
- Identify priority areas for action (particularly for the Sprint groups) and, if appropriate, work collaboratively to further develop roadmaps, action plans and other relevant documentation.
- Engage with Sprint groups to deliver collaborative carbon emission reduction projects, focusing on areas that will have the most impact on city emissions.
The ZCOP Steering Group also:
- Identifies what Sprint groups are required
- Chairs the Sprint groups
- Reports on outcomes and feedback to the wider Partnership
- Reports annually on the city’s agreed carbon targets and agree whether a review of the targets is needed (with a view to increasing ambition if there is a change to the policy landscape or to technical and financial feasibility)
- Ensures there is resource in place to deliver the administrative needs to the partnership
Sprint Groups
Sprint groups are smaller subgroups of the Zero Carbon Oxford Partnership intended to act as ‘task-and-finish-groups’ – established on an ad-hoc basis to achieve a specific objective within a defined time limit.
They allow relevant individuals and organisations with a particular interest, knowledge or influence in a subject to come together to explore, action and deliver solutions to specific issues. On completion of the objective(s) the Sprint reports back or makes recommendations to the Steering Group for approval and is subsequently dissolved.
Participation in Sprints is voluntary and open to all Partners in ZCOP. Each Sprint group has a Champion, responsible for ensuring the objectives of the group are in accordance with the Zero Carbon Oxford Roadmap and Action Plan and a Lead who reports the progress of the Sprint at Steering Group meetings and carries out assigned actions.
Past and current Sprint Groups include:
- Domestic retrofit
- Active Travel
- Authority Based Insetting
- Energy Use
- EV Infrastructure Delivery
- Adaptation
- Green skills