The Zero Carbon Oxford Charter

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Zero Carbon Oxford Charter 

The closing of the summit was marked by the signing of the Zero Carbon Oxford Charter, and the creation of the Zero Carbon Oxford Partnership (ZCOP). 

The following charter was agreed by the group of 21 leaders who attended the Zero Carbon Oxford Summit:

Photo of Oxford - High Street by Toa Heftiba

We the undersigned are committed to working together to create a zero carbon Oxford. We will collaborate to build a prosperous, sustainable city in which we all can share. In particular we commit ourselves to: 

ZCOP aims to help reduce 88 percent of Oxford’s carbon emissions by 2040 – icon

Setting carbon targets, monitoring and reporting

  • Collaborate to achieve net zero carbon emissions for the city of Oxford.
  • Support the efforts of the city as a whole to reach its five-yearly carbon emission reduction targets that aim to achieve net zero by 2040. We will take these targets into consideration when making plans to reduce carbon emissions from our own estates and operations.
  • Establish a shared framework to monitor progress against these targets and report publicly on an annual basis, along with reviewing the targets and increasing ambition if it is feasible to do so in terms of changing policy, technology or finance.
ZCOP's roadmap has 5 key sectors - icon

Road map and action planning

  • Contribute to the development and adoption of a roadmap and action plans that outline the steps needed for Oxford to meet these carbon targets. This must also identify any gaps or impediments at a local or national level to implementation and recognise the topics listed in the partnership’s scope.
  • Recognise the wider non-carbon benefits climate action can bring, including sustainable economies and local prosperity. 
ZCOP has 22 partners across Oxford - icon

Collaborative working

  • Work collaboratively to accelerate the rate of carbon emissions reduction within the city, exploring opportunities to work on shared projects that deliver greater carbon emission reductions than we could achieve individually.
  • Support sharing best practice and piloting sustainable innovations.
  • Collectively identify funding sources to support ZCOP and the delivery of net zero activities within the city.
  • Jointly lobby the UK Government to provide the regulatory, infrastructural and funding support necessary to achieve net zero carbon emissions.
  • Encourage other organisations to join the Partnership, generally promote the work of the Partnership and engage with staff, customers and service users about climate issues.
ZCOP aims to help reduce 88 percent of Oxford's carbon emissions by 2040 - icon


  • Support a steering group of key organisations and recognise accountability is through collective and fair scrutiny.

We commend the progress to date made in Oxford on tackling climate change and sustainability issues, and call on all communities, organisations and businesses in Oxford to sign the Zero Carbon Oxford Charter and help to create change for good.